Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Everyone's worst nightmare: the vet clinic catches on fire. You've probably heard the news reports by now, but if not, here's a link. The short story is that a veterinary hospital exploded. All of the people escaped, but the animals were trapped inside. One of the vets was able to break down a door to get back in to the burning building and let the animals out. No humans were harmed, 4 pets (3 cats and 1 dog) eventually died, many were saved, and one dog is still missing.

(Update 3/16/09: The missing dog has been found and the cause of the fire was an 'electrical malfunction.')

Most of the news reports spin this as 'the heroic veterinarian saves the animals.' OSHA rules are to get the people out first, do NOT take time to save the animals, on the philosophy that no risk to human life is worth the gain to animal life. Fire experts say to never go back into a burning building, NEVER.

The thing that is interesting is what this incident shows about people and their relationship to animals. Clearly, this vet (and a good samaritan) ignored these rules and saved animal lives. This is just one more example of how people truly believe that animals DO have value, and people are willing to risk much in order to save them.

You may have also heard that recently Martha Stewart lost a puppy at a fire at a boarding kennel. Also at this fire, a person saved a dog in spite of being badly burned in the process. Again, the rules say save yourself, ignore the animals; this isn't what people actually do. Look at Hurricane Katrina. Many people refused to leave, even in dire situations, because they would have to leave behind their animals. Granted, many animals were left behind, but the point remains: animals are perceived by many to have value approaching that of another human being. One could argue whether this is valid, or good, or worthwhile, but it doesn't change the fact that the phenomenon is here to stay.

Veterinarians see this everyday as owners agonize over their sick pets. Perhaps the greatest feeling in the world is sending a healthy pet back to it's loving family.

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