Tuesday, April 6, 2010

That's not supposed to be there...

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Look at the above images. Yes, that's right, that IS a sewing needle that is stuck in this cat's rectum. Ouch!

What usually happens is that the cat finds a piece of string and begins to play with it, as cats like to do. Inevitably, the string gets stuck on the little bristles (called papillae) on the tongue. Since these papillae all point backwards, the string only moves one way - down the back of the throat. Uh oh, what's that? A sewing needle on the end of the thread? Well, that will have to be swallowed also.

In this case the needle almost made it's way out of the large intestine. Unfortunately, the needle got caught at the level of the pelvis, and didn't want to come out. Fortunately, Dr. Grafinger was there to save the day! Surgery involving the large intestine is always dicey, and this needle had punctured the intestine on both sides, so the outcome was far from certain. But, this kitty recovered nicely, and is resting comfortably at home.

And all is well that ends well.

(PS: String is just bad for cats, even if there is no needle attached. Try to keep your cat away from string, thread, etc).

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